Samuels started working at the Ola During Children’s Hospital in February 2013
as the hospital’s first health information manager. She is currently the only
Health Information Manager working in a government hospital in Sierra Leone,
due to a shortage of health information managers.
is a Sierra Leonean and pursued her Bachelor of Science in Pure Mathematics
& Statistics at Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone. She was
interested in Health Informatics and since there is no degree course in Health
Informatics in Sierra Leone, she went to the University of Ghana, Legon in 2010
and obtained a MSc in Health Informatics there.
are very excited to have Regina in the hospital to support our Medical Records
department and continue developing the Health Information System in the only
Children’s Hospital in the country.
Children’s hospital currently uses an electronic database to capture patient
demographics and hospital statistics. The next steps are to include outpatient
data as well as ensure an integrated network system so that the electronic
system can be accessed throughout the hospital. We also hope to be one of the
leading hospitals in implementing openMRS in Sierra Leone. We hope that with an
improved health information system we will be able to provide the hospital
management, Ministry Health and Sanitation and partners with high quality data,
which can be used for informed decision-making.